
on life, music etc beyond mainstream

2014 30 Aug.

Special job offer for three days in autumnal London

von: Michael Engelbrecht Filed under: Blog | TB | Comments off

I’m looking for a creative assistant in the field of investigative journalism. He or she should be fourty till sixty years old, smart, very intelligent (emotional intelligence included) and have a decent knowledge about the history of leftfield avantgarde music (pop, contemporary classic, jazz etc.) He or she should have a good knowledge, too, about the works of Scott Walker (especially those albums he did from „Climate of Hunter“ onwards).

He or she should be selfconscious, empathetic and inventive in social interactions – and definitely no reluctant inhabitant of an ivory tower or other grey academic worlds. If you think I’ve just desribed a part of your personality, then send me an email to – when the deal is done, I guarantee you a lot of fun and adventure during three days in October.

I will try to find a free and nice place for the nights with friends or good aquaintancies. You will get 1000 Euros when the job is successfull done, and nothing when we’ll fail bravely. The good news is: i’m a lover of good Indian restaurants, and you won’t have to pay a single penny for eating and drinking. In the end, it’ll might just be a good story to be told.

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