
on life, music etc beyond mainstream

2014 4 Juli

Lesezeichen # 7

von: Uwe Meilchen Filed under: Blog | TB | 2 Comments

Wer noch eine spannende Lektuere fuer den Urlaub (oder ueberhaupt) sucht und sich auch an amerikanische Originalausgaben herantraut, dem sei der neue Roman von Stephen King empfohlen: „Mr. Mercedes“ versammelt wieder einmal alles, was ich an Stephen King so mag: nachvollziehbar beschriebene Charaktere („wie-aus-dem-Leben-gegriffen“) und eine auch dieses Mal sehr spannende Handlung.

In the gloomy pre-dawn hours of a distressed Midwestern city, hundreds of unemployed hopefuls are lined up for a job fair. Without warning, a merciless driver plows through the crowd in a roaring Mercedes. Eight people are killed; 15 are wounded. The killer escapes into the early-spring fog never to be seen from again. Until now…

Detective Bill Hodges is a battle-hardened and streetwise crime fighter originally assigned to the Mercedes killings. Now retired, Hodges has lost his way in boredom and depression craving the thrills of taking down the region’s most notorious criminals. When a disturbing letter from the Mercedes Killer arrives at his door, Hodges soon finds himself uncontrollably drawn into a cat-n-mouse pursuit with stakes beyond comprehension.

Mr. Mercedes is Stephen’s first “hard-boiled detective tale.” It will transport you into a vibrant and dangerous world filled with gritty characters living on the bleeding edge of reason.

This entry was posted on Freitag, 4. Juli 2014 and is filed under "Blog". You can follow any responses to this entry with RSS 2.0. Both comments and pings are currently closed.


  1. Uwe Meilchen:

    Eine Leseprobe gibt es hier

    Und als naechstes, quasi als Gegengift Gegengewicht zu Stephen King steht „Der bleiche Koenig“ von David Foster Wallace an…

  2. Michael Engelbrecht:

    In deutscher Übersetzung erscheint Frau Mercedes am 22. September.

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