
on life, music etc beyond mainstream

2014 25 Juni

Shadows make heavy noises

von: Michael Engelbrecht Filed under: Blog | TB | Tags: , | Comments off



„Largs“ is a frantic jazz polka, all oompah, boom and bash, relaying the madness of a seaside town turned upside down by hords of city escapees on their annual holiday spree. So writes Graeme Thomson in the August issue of Uncut. „From Scotland With Love“ is the title of the forthcoming album of King Creosote. (Release date: July 17th, Gregory will be happy to read this, cause he’s the biggest fan of the Scotish King in South Germany). And though this track has an up-tempo feel and its turbulent passages, it parallels another song from the past, Robert Wyatt’s „The Sight of the Wind“ (on „Dondestan“) with its portrait of a desolate Spanish seaside village turned upside down by hordes of city escapees. But on Robert’s album, the holiday season is over, it’s siesta time, the city has fallen asleep at high noon, and the shadows make heavy noises in dreams that will soon be forgotten.

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