
on life, music etc beyond mainstream

2014 27 Mai

Lost in dimensions (3): essay about disappearance

von: Martina Weber Filed under: Blog | TB | Tags: , | 5 Comments

A few days ago I sat next to Eiléan Ni Chuilleanáin, who was described on Wikipedia or maybe somewhere else as one of the most famous Irish poets. As you would have expected it from a female irish poet, her hair reached at least to the seat of the chair she sat on. (By the way her hair was not red, just in case you would have expected also this feature from a female irish poet.) I remember one of her poetic pictures, children being thrown in language like in cold water. Later, in the discussion, one of the guests made a political comment about it. How the prohibition of speaking the own language was used as a weapon and – his voice became louder – could even kill people. I guess it had nothing to do with the poem, but some time ago I read somewhere, in every public lecture with following discussion there was this man who would talk und talk unless the organizer would stop him. The incessantly talking man was asked to translate his comment in italian language as most of the people were italians. A good idea: the man suddenly was quiet. The Greek poet Titos Patrikos is far more than 80 years old, but his eyes were shining bright, as he quoted another poet, who said, it was no problem to repeat one and the same thought in all the poems one writes as the poet thus would succeed in expressing more profoundly. Unfortunately I forgot the name of this intelligent poet, and I had no opportunity to ask Titos Patrikos later. So @ Titos Patrikos: if you read this, I would be pleased if you could make a comment and leave the name of that poet. Don´t worry: No one but Manafonistas will be able to read your e-mail-adress. I said I was grateful to Titos´remark as I had recognized all my poems circled around one theme: disappearance. (I never planned it and fortunalety it is not my job to analyze it.) And this, dear campfire friends, may be the main reason why I love the work of Labradford and the voice of Mark Nelson so much. Although very often it does not matter what someone says, but how, I especially love track No. 3 (PICO) from the album “Labradford” (1992) and the way Mark Nelson is whispering (not really singing) some words which sound like “somewhere alone / the light, street corners, city blocks, apartments abandoned to their drift“. And although I would love it to read the complete lyrics it is not really necessary as one can feel every single word.



This entry was posted on Dienstag, 27. Mai 2014 and is filed under "Blog". You can follow any responses to this entry with RSS 2.0. Both comments and pings are currently closed.


  1. Michael Engelbrecht:

    Der japanische Komponist Ryuichi Sakamoto, der unendlich viel Kitsch ( und ein paar helle Stunden ) in seinem Werk fabriziert hat, veröffentlichte neulich eine der feinsinnigsten cds seines Lebens, im Duo mit Taylor Deupree. Der Titel: Disappearance. Bei 12k, glaube ich.

    Grausam bei Sakamoto: eine süssliche Pianosoloplatte aus den 90ern (noch schlimmer als Michael Nymans Süssholzraspelei zu The Piano), grausam viele Prog-Protz-Platten mit dem völlig überschätzten Yellow Magic Orchestra.

    Ganz fein: die Zusammenarbeiten mit Fennesz. Sehr schön such eine Platte aus den späten 70ern, die unter dem Einfluss von Another Green World entstand. Left-Handed Dream oder so ähnlich hiess sie, buried treasure.

  2. Michael Engelbrecht:

    Tin Roof erzählt auch vom Verschwinden.
    Auf andere Art als Neil Youngs beeindruckender LETTER HOME.

  3. Michael Engelbrecht:

    Meine „down beat“-ratings für die grossartige Band Labradford, die sich auflöste, als sie die Reduktion auf die Spitze getrieben hat, ich habe mal eine ganze Ausgabe der Klanghorizonte mit dieser Musik gemacht.

    1993: Prazision LP – ***
    1995: A Stable Reference – ***
    1996: Labradford – ****1/2
    1997: Mi Media Naranja – *****
    1999: E Luxo So – *****
    2001: Fixed::Context – **** 1/2

  4. Martina:

    Ich weiß, ich war völlig begeistert davon und bin auch erst durch diese Sendung auf Labradford aufmerksam geworden. Ich habe all diese Stücke auf eine Kassette überspielt und höre sie immer wieder.

    Was das Verschwinden in der Lyrik angeht, will ich eher weg davon.

  5. Martina:

    Die Platte Fennesz & Sakamoto, die du nach dem Jahresrückblick 2008 in den Klanghorizonten vorgestellt hast, heißt Cendre.

    Danke auch für die andern Hinweise, ich werde ihnen nachgehen. Irgendwie bleibt das Verschwinden doch immer noch interessant.

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