
on life, music etc beyond mainstream

2014 18 Mai

The short beginning of something lasting much longer

von: Manafonistas Filed under: Blog | TB | Tags:  | Comments off

Hi Michael,

Apologies that I’m often a bit slower than average replying to emails – it’s not lack of interest, it’s just that I’m juggling a lot (I know, isn’t everyone – perhaps I’m just not as skilled at keeping everything up in the air)

Really glad that you heard back from Bill. I’d love to have a read of your two lectures of Kristiansand – I’ve had very busy times lately, but will definitely set aside some time to sit down and read soonß

I looked at a lot of your links – fascinating and inspiring stuff – makes me want to dedicate a day to listening to all the tracks that have inspired you. In fact I went straight away and listened to some of the Brian Eno recommendations (my mum was briefly at art school with him – said he was a lovely man – he probably wouldn’t remember her though). 

Yes, I’d be very happy to engage with whatever you feel like doing, before, after, later or sooner, both or neither.

All the best, 


ps what if you hate my forthcoming solo material!?! Could be an even more interesting interview, I suppose!

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