
on life, music etc beyond mainstream

2014 25 Feb.

A small list of things I love these days

von: Michael Engelbrecht Filed under: Blog | TB | 1 Comment

1)  Mud – the film (saw it three times, Mark Twain would be smiling)

2) Cosmic Creation – the Arve Henrikson album (the title may not have been the best idea!)

3) Emailing with bass player Arild Andersen about the mixing of his brilliant trio album Mira

4) Listening to the sound design of Gravity on a good 5:1 sound system (i like the movie very much, but American film music composers do not know how to work with understatement in final scenes)

5) Studying Thomas Yuschak’s book on „the power of supplements“ for lucid dreaming

6) Being under the spell of  rmillis‘ „relief“, a really surreal vinyl listening experience

7) Reading a brilliant article in the April issue of  The Wire concerning the experimental values of  ancient Rocksteady at Sir Coxsone’s Studio One  (if you have any sympathy for the genre, don’t miss the new Studio One compilation!)

8)  The initially unexpected pleasures of the new album by The Notwist

9)  The totally exotic fantasy Brian Eno might record a new song album

10) One of the most beautiful ways of fading away (the piece „Fade“ on the new album of the Colin Vallon trio, Le Vent)

11) Being carried away by the delights of  „The Red Book“  on long car rides.

12) Having found a rarity from the former court of Haile Selassie, the most exotic (and expensive)  single for Greg’s jukebox (but at first I have to play it in my night show)

13) Looking for some John Cale tracks from Ian’s list

This entry was posted on Dienstag, 25. Februar 2014 and is filed under "Blog". You can follow any responses to this entry with RSS 2.0. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

1 Comment

  1. Henning:

    Na denn, Michael!

    Was Fadeouts betrifft: in dem Video von Don Cherry mit Herbie Hancock und dem Monk-Stück kündigt Don Cherry ein Fadeout
    an! ((((((((-:

    Haile Selassie holte die Musiklehrer und Musiker in seinen jungen Jahren aus dem armenischen Kloster in Jerusalem. Mit erheblicher Wirkung für Musik und Musiker in Äthiopien. Hab da an anderer
    Stelle auf Niederländisch was drüber geschrieben.

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