
on life, music etc beyond mainstream

2014 20 Feb.

Reinhold Friedl / Frank Vigroux: Tobel

von: Manafonistas Filed under: Blog | TB | Comments off

CD Alamuse ALM 005


Reinhold Friedl: Inside-piano
Franck Vigroux: Electronics


Reinhold Friedl and Franck Vigroux are two musicians, both addicted to a real contemporary approach, getting to the core of sound but by very different means. Reinhold Friedl with his purely acoustic instrument and his highly developed and refined inside-piano techniques meets Franck Vigroux with his electronics – including all kind of devices from tape recorders to analog synthesizers. Their sole purpose is to meld these two opposite sound worlds.


„I’m curious. Cold experimentalism with tons of thought behind it, or pure sensual delight full of adventurous turns, without needing a 45-minute lecture for deeper understanding.“ (m.e.)

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