
on life, music etc beyond mainstream

2014 30 Jan.

Faustinas Verschwörung

von: Manafonistas Filed under: Blog | TB | Comments off

„One of the most extraordinary – and most hidden – spaces in a city of rare and remarkable treasures is the suite of rooms in Florence’s La Specola that houses the natural history museum’s collection of baroque anatomical waxes. These halls are almost always empty of visitors, which renders first sight of their exhibits even more eerie: to walk into them for the first time is like entering a macabre fairytale. In glass cases lie full-sized female figures in wax, limbs delicately positioned to replicate feminine life: they wear pearl necklaces, they have real, waist-length hair, their skin gleams – and their bodies have been laid shockingly open to demonstrate the red and yellow organs of digestion and reproduction.“

So starts Christobel Kent’s review of Rupert Thomson’s latest novel, SECRECY, that will be our „thriller of the month“ in March. The German translation, „Faustinas Vollendung“ will be published on Feb. 17th.

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