
on life, music etc beyond mainstream

2013 28 Nov

Cuba Libre, Dancing, and a Jazz Record

von: Michael Engelbrecht Filed under: Blog | TB | Comments off

Oh, it’s so much fun to listen to fresh vibes that have survived the 70s and boo-boo-boomerang now in the most thrilling ways of heavily distorded keyboards with tender moments – ya know Keith and Chick and Herbie have performed that way (a little bit) in the crew of the Dark Magus called Miles. The band is called Satelliti, and the title of the record (vinyl/cd) is Transister. And, yes, they incorporate modern dancefloor architecture with a sardonic smile. The drummer is the groover. Join your beloved, your absent lover in the neon lights, oh, passages of classic House, drink your Cuba Libre (a drink that is really out of fashion), and don’t give a damn. Buy yourself a long black coat. The days will be cold.

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