
on life, music etc beyond mainstream

2013 13 Okt.

66 days to go

von: Michael Engelbrecht Filed under: Blog | TB | Comments off

„People come and go and leave their stains and cigarette butts trampled on the floor, and when they do, remember me, remember me“ (Brian Eno). There’s a strange Welshman who bought Callahan’s „Dream River“ – he is now waiting to see colours. There is an office worker who is trapped in a time loop: in his head it never rains in Southern California, it’s 1966, and the next Beatles album will soon appear. There is an old man who’s strolling through the city at night whistling a Tindersticks tune (which one you’ll never know). There is a woman with funny paragraphs in her head, she’s writing the longest poem of the world running on empty after 200 pages. There is an American security man who travelled to Kathmandu after endlessly listening to Steve Tibbetts’ “The Fall of Us All”. There is a redbearded Scottish street worker who has just started playing piano along with Paul Buchanan’s „Mid Air” (which is not easy, I can tell you).  ”The loneliest people are the ones we never see again.” (Mountain Goats)

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