
on life, music etc beyond mainstream

Wislawa (Promo)

“Die Strukturen seiner Stücke ändern sich laufend. Stanko beschleunigt und drosselt ansatzlos. Wo er eben noch mit elegischen, ans Herz gehenden Noten eine zarte, schlichte Melodie intonierte, strahlt er nun fanfarenartig gen Himmel, entlädt sich sein Spiel in heiserem Tongewusel. Nach freien, hoch energetischen Ausbrüchen aber lässt er sich immer wieder in die schwere slawische Melancholie zurück fallen, die ihm und seinen Landsleuten nachgesagt wird.” (S.Pakzad)


Mehr dazu und zu neuen Produktionen von Wayne Shorter, Charles Lloyd, Fire! Orchestra, Stefano Battaglia und Arve Henriksen in den JazzFacts des Deutschlandfunks am 15. Februar um 22.05 Uhr.

This entry was posted on Mittwoch, 13. Februar 2013 and is filed under "Blog". You can follow any responses to this entry with RSS 2.0. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

1 Comment

  1. Michael Engelbrecht:

    John Fordham in The Guardian:

    Wisława is a dream-ticket jazz meeting between a cutting-edge European legend, and an equally honed triumvirate of pioneering New York-based youth. Miles Davis-inspired Polish trumpeter Stanko has been a jazz hero in Europe since the 1960s; advanced Cuban pianist David Virelles is a partner of the musically demanding Steve Coleman; and bassist Thomas Morgan and drummer Gerald Cleaver embody a two-man summary of the 21st-century jazz rhythm section. The trumpeter has dedicated this double album to the late Polish poet Wisława Szymborska, and two versions of the meditative title track, or a quietly ecstatic rhapsody such as April Story, typify the Stanko many listeners will recognise, with his gruff, tone-bending phrasing and melancholy tenderness. But no New York rhythm section is likely to camp for ever in Stanko’s brooding landscapes, and the trumpeter is driven to improv squeals, warbles and crisp post-bop lines on uptempo burnups such as Assassins. There are echoes of the 1960s Miles acoustic quintet in the time-stretching Mikrokosmos and the impatiently surging Faces; the brushes-swung, bass-walking Oni is a masterly trumpet-improv balance of poised long runs and richly nuanced short figures. Virelles, Morgan and Cleaver are very seductive listening on their own, and the 70-year-old leader sounds in great fettle, fast or slow.

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