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2012 28 Okt.

Steve Hamilton: Der Mann aus dem Safe

von: Michael Engelbrecht Filed under: Blog | TB | 4 Comments



Stephen Kalman says it all without revealing anything. Be ready for one of the best thrillers of 2012, now out in Germany. Don’t read any reviews, just take a risk, buy this book and start reading.

„I read this on my Kindle while coming back to the US from Frankfurt. I was at 92% when the announcement came on. Let me tell you, if I had a blanket, I would have been 8 years old again, blanket over my head, sneak-reading another chapter.I almost finished it waiting for my luggage, then sat in the lobby for another 5 minutes to get it done.“

Manfred Sarrazin (Alibi-Krimibuchhandlung, Köln) empfahl mir die Originalausgabe, „The Lock Artist“, vor einem guten Jahr, und ich war begeistert.

This entry was posted on Sonntag, 28. Oktober 2012 and is filed under "Blog". You can follow any responses to this entry with RSS 2.0. Both comments and pings are currently closed.


  1. Michael Engelbrecht:

    After singing its praises all year long, the folks at the Mystery Writers banquet in New York City finally heaped the ultimate praise on Steve Hamilton’s The Lock Artist.  This phenomenal book is the 2011 Edgar Award winner for Best Novel.  The Edgar Allan Poe Award is the most highly prized award in the U.S. and awarded every April by the Mystery Writers of America (MWA).

  2. Ingolf Schulte:

    Off-topic, aber dafür umso trauriger: Deutschlands Krimi-experte Manfred Sarrazin befindet sich seit zwei Wochen in einem Kölner Hospiz, die Buchhandlung ist bereits geschlossen. In der letzten WDR 5 Mordsberatung wurde er schmerzlich vermißt…

  3. Michael Engelbrecht:

    Ich weiss. So traurig. Habe viele tolle Unterhaltungen mit ihm gehabt, in der Alibi-Buchhandlung.

  4. Gregory Peng:

    I see, big brother is watching me …

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