
on life, music etc beyond mainstream

2012 25 Juli

Yet it isn’t retro

von: Manafonistas Filed under: Blog | TB | Comments off

„Frank Ocean is fantastic“, says producer/musician Guy Sigsworth, whose Punkt 2011-Performance with Nils Petter Molvaer will be broadcasted on August, 10th at the Deutschlandfunk, „reminds us of the best 70s R&B – Stevie Wonder, Marvin Gaye – & the best downtempo bits of 80s Prince – yet it isn’t retro. I love it!“ Michael will sit behind the microphone (in case he’s surviving his balloon flights.)

Frank Ocean is a new master using old sources (and contemporary plastic-free sound design). There will be some old masters who will come up with their own old sources producing new songs: Bob Dylan, Ry Cooder and John Cale. And Bettye Lavette! Retro? Well, „Retro“ is a lonesome town, and, not the baddest choice, the name of an old bar where they offer the real deal, Canadian Molson.


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