
on life, music etc beyond mainstream

2012 30 Juni

Back to the seventies, and leaving Hotel California, or: On my way to San Tropez

von: Michael Engelbrecht Filed under: Blog | TB | Comments off

Hopefully we are not trapped in that fucking hotel of dying hippie dreams. Nevertheless the 70s may have been the most interesting and creative ten years in music history since the days of Perotin.

We’re digging and we’re digging and we’re digging …

Jürgen Müller, Conrad Schnitzler, Bill Connors, the young Rypdal, the young Garbarek, the first Go-Betweens album, legendary Van Dyke Parks, Eno’s Music for Films … The 70s still are an endless route of milestones and buried treasures. By pure chance and syncronicity, the Manafonistas keep looking back (for some days now) discovering music they have never heared before, or loved from day one.

And, me oh my, what’s the name of the Cd playing in these days and nights in my time-travel experienced Toyota? Well, Pink Floyd’s MEDDLE.
„Backward and homebound, a pigeon, a dove
gone with the wind, the rain on an airplane
owning a home with no silver spoon
I’m drinking champagne like a good tycoon
sooner than wait for a break in the weather
I’ll gather my far-clung thoughts together
speeding away on the wind to a new day“

P.S. Gregs may just listen to Robert Wyatt’s ROCK BOTTOM, Joey may spend some time with the guitar dreams of SWIMMING WITH A HOLE IN MY BODY, and Ian may dive into other well-hidden zones of Krautrock experimentalism …

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