
on life, music etc beyond mainstream

2011 3 Juli

A Dublin Accent

von: Jochen Siemer Filed under: Blog | TB | Tags:  | 3 Comments

Once hitchhiking in Ireland, an elderly couple picked me up. After a while of nice conversation the Lady turned her head and asked me, who was sitting on the backseat
of the car: „Are you from Dublin, Dear? You´ve got a Dublin Accent!“

I was astonished and replied: „No, Lady, I´m not irish – I am from Bremen, Germany.“
„Oh, really? Then your English is quite good“ and to her husband she said:
„He definitely has a Dublin Accent, hasnt´t he?“

I felt a little proud and took it as a compliment for years – unless one day, by chance,
i heard a Dubliner speaking in his native language and it hit me like a stroke: he sounded like a stranger, speaking in a strange language. He sounded like a guy from Bremen, who speaks like tripping over a sharp stone; who speaks like not speaking english very well.

This entry was posted on Sonntag, 3. Juli 2011 and is filed under "Blog". You can follow any responses to this entry with RSS 2.0. Both comments and pings are currently closed.


  1. Jochen Siemer:

    Weil das Wetter grad so ist wie es in Ireland gewöhnlich zu sein pflegt – high time for rain tree crows – dachte ich, ich poste jetzt mal diese kleine, kürzlich verfasste Anekdote. Hope you didn´t mind my dublin accent while reading it ;)

  2. Michael Engelbrecht:


  3. Jochen Siemer:

    Well, they don´t – they play it on guitar!
    (and they like it)

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